Unveiling the truth about what is really lurking in the food we eat

How can I reduce my intake of ultra-processed foods?

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Reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods can be achieved with a few practical strategies:

  1. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand: Stock up on fresh fruit, mixed nuts, edamame, and veggies with hummus to avoid reaching for processed snacks¹.
  2. Swap Refined Grains for Whole Grains: Choose whole grain pasta, bread, and tortillas over refined grains to increase your intake of fiber and other nutrients¹.
  3. Get Creative in the Kitchen: Try making healthier versions of processed foods at home. For example, bake veggie chips or make homemade granola bars¹.
  4. Drink More Water: Replace sugary beverages with water to reduce sugar intake and stay hydrated¹.
  5. Try Meal Prepping: Prepare meals in advance to have control over the ingredients and avoid the need for processed food options¹.
  6. Eat More Vegetables: Incorporate a variety of vegetables into your meals to boost nutrient intake and reduce reliance on processed foods¹.
  7. Switch Up Your Shopping Routine: Focus on buying whole foods and avoid the aisles with processed snacks and ready-to-eat meals¹.
  8. Simple Food Swaps: Opt for natural alternatives like air-popped popcorn instead of store-bought flavored popcorn, or use real fruit to sweeten yogurt instead of buying flavored varieties¹.

By implementing these tips, you can gradually reduce your consumption of ultra-processed foods and improve your overall diet quality.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 23/03/2024
(1) 10 Easy Tips for Lowering Your Processed Food Intake – Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-eat-less-processed-food.
(2) How to reduce ultra-processed foods in a balanced way.. https://www.dietitianuk.co.uk/how-to-reduce-ultra-processed-foods-in-a-balanced-way/.
(3) Towards unified and impactful policies to reduce ultra-processed food …. https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/landia/PIIS2213-8587%2821%2900078-4.pdf.
(4) Limit highly processed foods – Canada’s Food Guide. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/healthy-eating-recommendations/limit-highly-processed-foods/.

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